La Huaca – Anaerobic Natural
MEET THE PRODUCERS | Peruvian coffees can sometimes get pigeon-holed as being simple, coffee-flavored coffees. If that was one of your thoughts when you saw this offering from Cajamarca, we’re here to say: you weren’t expecting this! This Caturra lot is made up of three microlots from producers Nicanor Zurita, Nelsi Cerquera Perez, and Oscar Zurita, each of whom grow coffee on their farms of various sizes in the high jungles of northern Peru. We believe these men represent the delicious future of Peruvian coffee as producers in the country expand their processing knowledge and techniques, and today’s release is a really lovely example of what’s capable when that happens.
TRUST THE PROCESS | Natural processing methods have never been common in Peru and are just now getting some legs there. These three lots, for example, were all processed as anaerobic naturals spending some time fermenting in big, plastic rain barrels before being set out to dry on raised beds. Together, they make up a really well done natural lot, and we hope to see more and more of this type of processing in Peru in the future!
TAKE A SIP | We’d classify this coffee as a medium-impact anaerobic natural. One sip makes it pretty clear that you’re drinking a naturally processed coffee, but it’s not distinctly funky or loud. It’s tropical, but not boozy, and it has a lovely acidity (which is rare for Peruvian coffees in general!) without being overtly zippy. We taste red cherry juice, nectarines, and a sweetness that reminds us of maple (rather than chocolate).
Origin | Jaen, Cajamarca, Peru
Producers | Nicanor Zurita | Nelsi Cerquera Perez | Oscar Zurita
Farm | La Berenjena | Dalu | La Huaba
Process | Anaerobic Natural
Variety | Caturra
Elevation | 1900 masl | 1920 masl | 1890 masl